torsdag 5. mars 2009

I want this

I want the new album Rules from The whitest boy alive. I loved the old album, and my expectations are sky high for this one... I might just buy it on saturday! And by the way I think that Erlend Øye is the most sexy guy on earth! He kind of reminds me of Kip in Napoleon Dynamite and that`s always good :) ( picture taken by: Anders Røeggen)

Now I`m getting ready for my bestfriends birthday celebration :) So Happy birthday baby! Finally 20!

Which music do you like?

Hugs and kisses

5 kommentarer:

  1. Tror du må trykke på linken som heter Ping, skrive inn adressa di, også vente på at de godtar deg eller noe sånt. deretter får du en sånn boks du skal sette på siden.

  2. Hmm, men jeg har satt inn den boksen :P men ingenting kommer opp der... meget frustrerende :P I`ll just keep on trying! Takk uansett :)

  3. Jeg liker all slags musikk jeg :D

  4. what a cutie pie! gosh, i am UNABLE to answer your question...i love everything!

  5. AlexandraE: Det gjør jeg også da :P Hihi! Teit med folk som bare liker techno eller death metal liksom:P

    Connie: Yeah, he is :) haha! It was a quite wide question :P

    Hugs and kisses
